Ice Hotel
If you ever take a travel to the sub zero climate zones, such as Scandinavia, Norway, Finland, Russia, Sweden etc. then be sure to take a tour of the "Ice Hotel's"! One of the most famous of the these is situated in the village JukkasjÀrvi, Sweden, 12 km from Kiruna Airport. Every year seasonally they build it by the river, carving massive blocks of ice and snow, turning it into walls and and windows and ceiling... they even make the tables and beds and chandeliers out of ICE!!!
They give tours and rent some of the spacious rooms for a night, up to 2,400 SEK for one night and one adult! They have different living situations an Ice "suite" an Ice "room" and a "snow room" all furnished with high thermal sleeping bags and reindeer skins, chairs and other fascinating objects. Below is an Ice "Suite",Ice "room", and their "Snow Room".
Below are different pictures of "Ice Hotels".. and the amazing creativity!

They give tours and rent some of the spacious rooms for a night, up to 2,400 SEK for one night and one adult! They have different living situations an Ice "suite" an Ice "room" and a "snow room" all furnished with high thermal sleeping bags and reindeer skins, chairs and other fascinating objects. Below is an Ice "Suite",Ice "room", and their "Snow Room".
Below are different pictures of "Ice Hotels".. and the amazing creativity!

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