Trial by fire, making it back into the pan XD

Well, after all the incredulous things that happened today, what better way to end the day then to summarize!
Just a few smoky whispering thoughts that caught my attention today, a realization that could be compared to putting antiseptic on a wound. Like the clouds opened and a beam of sun hit the ground in front of me. That kind of thing ya know. 

First half of the day, the fire was just getting kindled, and in reality, I hadn't even fallen into the pan XD
I enjoyed life, drank coffee, reflected, and listened to some music. Of course, (and why would it be THIS DAY???? !!) on my way to work I became dreadfully sick. So sick, my boss had said I was turning pale.
"What the????!!" I thought to myself, a mere 20 min could change my outlook for the rest of the day so quickly! :O
It took me a few head bangs against the wall to realize that it was food poisoning. :P

In the end, it was literal torture. And now, by this time, I was really cooking in that pan..
And yet despite feeling like dying, I stilled managed to ring up the orders, smile cheerfully, and rush around bussing tables.Wow, what kind of limits do we humans have?
Now I'm not sure anymore...
Do we actually store energy reserves or adrenaline or something for inexplicable situations where we have to perform like nothing is wrong??
Obviously it wasn't going to last when I wasn't ringing up peoples orders. I was already in overdrive.

I'm the kind of person who will work until I pass out  (or close enough for that matter).
I managed a break, and then I was reaaaally feeling it.
But I regained some stamina I guess.
I'm not sure how to describe it, but when people are in front of me, when customers are in front, when they wear sad or joyful faces, I always forget about myself, I only think about them. I smile for them, I strive to help them, even if my own day is a disaster.
A young woman walked into the store. I rung up her small order, and I talked with her and made her laugh. 

She then told me her day had been awful, completely terrible, and she had walked in depressed.
She said I really cheered her up.
Man, that makes me happy, that I could expend my energy to the limit to help her. Even though my own situation was crap, and I could have easily given up and spread the bad vibe, my decision changed my outlook and others about the same day, each to his own joys and problems. I still intended to give everything my 100% even though it was non existent. I definitely think that today was a trial by fire test.
But the rewards and learning experiences gained today was truly invaluable. 

(by the way, I  got back into the pan from the fire XD)
I think a lot of customers were surprised by my energy, .... let alone myself :O
because in the back room I was dying loool
After work I planned to hang out with friends, so I drove over and we went to a study. It was worth it. yeah I was not feeling that great, but it was definitely worth it. Priorities. That's what it's all about.
I thought to myself. I have two options, 1# I can cancel and just feel sick with food poisoning at home, or 2# I can go and still have the same effects but enjoy other peoples company and show my friends I'm there for them.
I had to leave halfway through and then come back, but the entire way home it just vanished. As quickly as this "natural" disaster showed up, it left. In a simple matter of hours, my world was turned from calm, to chaos, to half organized.
So far, it's been one of the most strangest onslaughts of random trial by fires I have ever walked.
I'm glad I walked the line. It WAS close. But I figure I can handle a little bit of that ehh? XD

Moral of the story?
There isn't some kind of amazing conclusion to this story, but there are so many trailing ends of thoughts that surround the mysteries.
The fact that people  can help other people even if they are worse off is surprising. The limit of human compassion is endless.
something interesting to point out.
Just a few laughs between people, even smiles, it's surprising how much energy is transferred. The positive vibes one can give to another is amazing.
That's my story for the day.
Maybe sometime you will walk through a lot of flames too. No one knows what's around the corner, but whatever comes at you, it's okay to take it head on and wrestle through it.  Your friends are there, even strangers are there for you, you just might not see it.


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